Woman lying down in bed with tablet
Woman lying down in bed with tablet
ella® FAQs

Got a question about ella®? Wondering how the morning after pill really works? Heard something worrying about side effects and want to get an answer you can trust? You’re in the right place.

Some people can find the experience of taking emergency contraception nerve-wracking, and often that’s because they don’t have all of the facts. A lot of people were never taught about the morning after pill, meaning that there are lots of harmful myths and misunderstandings out there that can stop people from accessing emergency contraception.

At ella®, we believe that by educating people about this type of contraception we can overcome the stigma and fear associated with it. That’s why we’ve put together a set of no-nonsense answers to your most frequently asked questions about ella®.

What is ella®?
How does ella® work?
Do I need to continue taking my contraceptive pill after taking ella®?
Can I start taking the contraceptive pill as a new method of contraception after taking ella®?
Can ella® delay your period?
Can ella® mess up your cycle?
Does ella® make you bleed?
Do I need a prescription to get ella®
Is ella® an abortion pill?
What if I am already pregnant and use ella®?
Will ella® affect my chances of becoming pregnant in the future?

How will I know that ella® has worked properly?

You will know that ella® has taken effect when your next period begins. You should expect your period around the same time that you would usually get it, though it is not uncommon for it to be a few days early or a few days late.
Keep in mind that ella® is less likely to work if you:

• Don’t take ella® right away
• Use ella® for more than one episode of unprotected sex or birth control failure in a menstrual cycle
• Vomit within 3 hours of taking ella® (contact your healthcare provider immediately to discuss the possibility of another dose)

Can you take ella® twice in one cycle?
What is the advantage of taking ella®?
What happens after taking ella®?